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Written by David | Published 2019/08/21
Tech Story Tags: latest-tech-stories | tech-stories | hackernoon-rss | hackernoon-latest-stories | hackernoon-tech-stories | hacker-rss | hackernoon-top-story | keyword | web-monetization

TLDR Hacker Noon is the founder and CEO of Hacker Noon. Founder & CEO of the company. Grew up on the east coast. Now, cooking in Colorado. Available via the Hacker Noon RSS (Really Simple Syndication): tag is also available via RSS with the URL structure of https://:// The Hacker Noon tag is available via the RSS feed feed. The RSS feed is available at the same URL structure as the word "feed"via the TL;DR App

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Written by David | Founder & CEO of HackerNoon. Grew up on the east coast. Grew old on the west coast. Now, cooking in Colorado.
Published by HackerNoon on 2019/08/21