150+ Useful Resources for Node.js / React Engineers

Written by evheniybystrov | Published 2017/11/10
Tech Story Tags: javascript | react | nodejs | webpack | graphql

TLDRvia the TL;DR App

For the last 8 months I got a lot of useful links and I decided to share it. I hope you can find something interesting for you.

Node.js, React.js, Redux.js, Rx.js …

My articles

Best Udemy courses for learning Full Stack Web Development


Nodejs - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Nodejs in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com



React - Hacker Noon_Read writing about React in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com


Redux - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Redux in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com



Webpack - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Webpack in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com

Progressive Web App (PWA)


GraphQL - Hacker Noon_Read writing about GraphQL in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com

Machine Learning

Machine Learning - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Machine Learning in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com


Docker - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Docker in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com


UI - Hacker Noon_Read writing about UI in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com


Firebase - Hacker Noon_Read writing about Firebase in Hacker Noon. how hackers start their afternoons._hackernoon.com

Cheat Sheets

Useful for frontend


Домашний курс о запуске стартапа

Published by HackerNoon on 2017/11/10