Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry

Written by henrybell | Published 2021/10/03
Tech Story Tags: ai | artificial-intelligence | insurance | ai-technology | privacy | technology | extended-technology

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AI has progressed throughout time and has far-reaching implications for most tech-driven businesses, including the insurance industry. Several insurance firms are utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to gain a competitive advantage in today's digital world. This has allowed them to deploy data modeling, predictive analysis, and machine learning across the whole insurance value chain, with positive results in terms of greater profitability and customer happiness.

Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has barely begun to scratch the surface of the insurance sector. AI has the ability to improve dozens of processes, and more insurance companies are likely to adopt the technology in the future. Here are a few of the most AI-friendly applications.
Pricing is one of the most promising areas where AI might help the insurance sector. Insurance firms may use AI to price their policies more competitively and tailor them to each individual consumer. A home insurance company, for example, may utilize AI to gather data on a person's marital status, geographic area, and probability of filing a claim in order to establish premiums based on those factors.
Claim Handling
Insurance firms invest a lot of money in claims in the form of human management. Insurance premiums are frequently raised to account for case-solving costs. However, by automating many of the time-consuming operations associated with claims handling and payouts, an insurance firm may save money on recruiting. The time it takes to process claims would be cut in half. It would also allow insurers to offer consumers more tailored contracts based on their specific circumstances. A case study by Kore.ai was able to create a virtual assistant that handled 50% of the customer’s payment and information inquiries for an automobile and homeowners insurance company.
Fraud Detection
Insurance fraud costs more than $40 billion each year today. AI, on the other hand, can assist insurance companies in detecting anomalies in claims data and identifying misleading information that clients use to obtain a lower premium or a larger claim payout. Machine learning algorithms can sift through previous data to see whether anything is out of the ordinary. Certain trends can be highlighted, alerting you to the possibility of fraud. It's unrealistic to anticipate such a high level of inspection from a human eye alone, but a human eye combined with AI can do wonders.
Efficient Underwriting
When the data volume is enormous, AI data analysis outperforms human data analysis. Instead of manually scrutinizing data, the underwriter may focus on strategy and portfolio management with AI solutions. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency of time-consuming underwriting operations. To come up with a strong underwriting plan, a combination of AIs is sometimes deployed.
Advanced Forecast
Although it is impossible to foresee the market's future, thanks to developments in AI technology, many plausible predictions may still be made today. Many organizations operate in this manner as well, and the insurance industry has done an excellent job of harnessing the power of advanced forecasts. Artificial intelligence can help organizations spot trends in data that would otherwise go undetected, making it much easier for them to navigate the market than before. Furthermore, because of advancements in the discipline, the quality of those predictions has improved.

Why isn't AI Fully Utilized in the Insurance Industry?

This is due to certain doubts about its potential to improve the experience for both insurance firms and their clients. By no means is AI a perfect system; it has flaws that computer scientists are continuously attempting to resolve. These are only a few of the key implications of AI for the insurance sector.
Job Loss
Many insurance companies are considering AI as a means of lowering their staffing costs. When making a claim or dealing with other significant issues, however, many clients still prefer to speak with a live representative. Another concern is that if the insurance sector transitioned to an AI-based workforce, millions of jobs would be lost.
Wellness Pricing
AI can collect information on a person's habits. As a result, it's feasible that insurers could exploit such information to determine discriminatory premiums. For example, a health insurance company may use data from a fitness tracker to determine the pricing based on the person's projected health risks.
Privacy Issues
No doubt your personal information is likely to be stored on the cloud, regardless of whether or not companies use it. Many individuals, however, are wary of firms having greater access to their data (recall WhatsApp’s controversial privacy policy), even if it is used to deliver more tailored experiences.

Expected Trends in the Insurance Industry with Artificial Intelligence

You'd undoubtedly agree that the insurance business could use a boost, which is just what AI aims to achieve. The technology could have a significant impact on both insurance companies and policyholders in the not-too-distant future. As AI makes inroads into the insurance sector, here are some of the patterns you can expect to see:
Data Veracity: The goal of data veracity is to improve data accuracy so that it can be used to make better business decisions. This will aid insurance companies in the battle against fraud and the early detection of potential dangers.
Extended Reality: Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella name for immersive technologies that allow the virtual and physical worlds to merge. To put it another way, extended reality uses virtual and augmented reality to transport individuals to different locations. You might be able to go for lunch in a new country or shop for a new home anywhere in the world as if you were truly there. Insurance firms may use this technology to digitally check homes after a claim is filed or examine the safety features of a vehicle before providing a quote.
Intelligent Distribution System: Insurance companies will be able to modernize their IT infrastructure by implementing intelligent distribution systems. This will revolutionize online tools and mobile apps, as well as aid to develop more user-friendly website experiences.

AI is the Future

In the future, AI is poised to disrupt the insurance industry like never before, affecting both insurers and their customers. Customers may benefit from a more seamless user experience as well as lower rates. Insurance firms may be able to save money by streamlining their operations. The possibilities with AI are endless, and it will only be a matter of time before we witness these advancements.

Written by henrybell | Henry Bell is the Head of Product at Vendorland.
Published by HackerNoon on 2021/10/03