Life is Good Builds a React / Node.js Gratitude Wall on Cosmic JS

Written by carsoncgibbons | Published 2017/11/17
Tech Story Tags: javascript | react | nodejs | web-development | ecommerce

TLDRvia the TL;DR App

The Life is Good community shares one simple, unifying mission: to spread the power of optimism. In that spirit, the Life is Good tech team built a Gratitude Wall for some user-generated-thanksgiving. This widget will allow users to add “sticky notes” with their name and what they are grateful for to the gratitude board.

The Gratitude Wall is adapted from the Cosmic JS Sticky Notes App, built on React, Redux and Node.js. The Wall is currently running on Heroku and is i-framed into WordPress on its landing page. The Life is Good team also built a simple moderation application so that their team can easily approve or delete User Generated Content as it flows in. They also built client-side moderation during content entry, which checks against a banned list of words and blocks submission.

Cosmic JS provided us with a robust scaffolding to accept, store, and moderate User Generated Content and display it in a custom web app in real time. With Cosmic, we were able to develop an MVP in a matter of hours and focus our resources on UX and design versus content management. The Cosmic Support Team was extremely helpful throughout the process. We’re excited to leverage these tools again for future projects.”

— Chris Schwab, Front End Engineer

Inspiration App

The Life is Good Gratitude Wall was adapted from the Sticky Note app by one of our community members Jazib Sawar. Available for download and install here.

cosmicjs/sticky-notes_sticky-notes - A sticky note app built using React, Redux and powered by Cosmic

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Additional Reading

Written by carsoncgibbons | Director of Sales @ Preciate Formerly Co-Founder @ Cosmic JS Y Combinator W19 Batch
Published by HackerNoon on 2017/11/17