Web Monetization + Hackernoon ❤️

Written by Dane | Published 2020/06/10
Tech Story Tags: tips | hackernoon-top-story | crypto | web-standards | metatag | cryptocurrency-payment | crypto-tips | web-monetization

TLDR You could try to earn a little crypto in exchange for your thoughtful content. But getting a sponsorship deal isn't easy without risking life and limb. Now you can accept a stream of micro-tips from your loyal readers. Sign up for Coil as a Creator and get a payment pointer to your HN profile settings. Adding a web monetization meta tag also works on your personal blog. Check out webmonetization.org to learn more. Check out the site's website to make sure you have the best use of HN payments.via the TL;DR App

So you want to earn a little spending crypto in exchange for your thoughtful Hackernoon content. You could try selling shady links on the black market...but you know that's not right. And getting a sponsorship deal isn't easy without risking life and limb...
Good news!
Now you can accept a stream of micro-tips from your loyal readers. No need to sellout while you work toward your dream influencer status and land a huge Red Bull or Red Hat deal.
Todo list to monetize your content on Hackernoon
1) Sign up for Coil as a Creator and get a payment pointer.
2) Add your payment pointer to your HN profile settings.
Protip: Adding a web monetization meta tag also works on your personal blog. Check out webmonetization.org to learn more.

Written by Dane | Co-founder of Coin Field Guide
Published by HackerNoon on 2020/06/10