How to Create Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard in JavaScript

Written by matviihodovaniuk | Published 2021/05/09
Tech Story Tags: javascript-tutorial | game-development | rock-paper-scissors | rock-paper-scissors-spock | spock-lizard | javascript | javascript-rock-paper-scissors | hackernoon-top-story | web-monetization

TLDR In this tutorial, we're gonna build a really simple game of Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard. We are gonna use vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS for this game. We need a computer and user choice and a button to play the game. The game result should look next: You want to add it at the end of your index.html body tag. We need an element to output results. We want to store user input somewhere. We would select elements by class. Then we would add an event listener to each element. We would use a switch for that.via the TL;DR App

Welcome to my tutorial!
In this tutorial, we're gonna build a really simple game of Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard.
Please check my GitHub account for the complete source code.
We are gonna use vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS for this game.
Let's get started.
First, we need to set up our project folder.
Please create a folder for the game.
Put an empty
file in the folder.
Now you want to put some tags in
Don't forget to save the file periodically.
We can check that we doing fine by running this file in a browser.
Okay, We can move forward.
Now you want to add input elements for a user.
<span>YOUR CHOICE</span>
    <div id="user-options">
            <input type="radio" id="1" name="option" class="user-option">
            <label for="1">⛰️</label>
            <input type="radio" id="2" name="option" class="user-option">
            <label for="2">βœ‚οΈ</label>
            <input type="radio" id="3" name="option" class="user-option">
            <label for="3">🧻</label>
            <input type="radio" id="4" name="option" class="user-option">
            <label for="4">πŸ––</label>
            <input type="radio" id="5" name="option" class="user-option">
            <label for="5">🦎</label>
We want to add it at the end of
body tag.
We need to add computer output, game result, button to play the game.
The computer output should look next:
<span>COMPUTER CHOICE</span>
<div id="computer-choice">πŸ’­</div>
You want to add it at the end of your
body tag.
The play button is pretty simple:
<button id="play">▢️</button>
You want to add it at the end of your `index.html` body tag.
The game result should look next:
<div id="output"></div>
You want to add it at the end of your
body tag.
Now you want to link your
Please add
<script type="text/javascript" src="./index.js"></script>
at the bottom of the body.
That's it. We finished our work with
We just want to increase the font size to make emojis look better.
You want to add this to your index.css:
html {
    font-size: 42px
Let's flip over to our JavaScript file.
We need a function to return a random number in range 1 to 5 for a computer choice.
We would name it
and it should look like this one:
function getComputerChoice() {
    return Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1);
Put it at the beginning of the
We want to add some consts that would help us later. Just put it at the end of your
const ROCK = 'ROCK';
const PAPER = 'PAPER';
const SPOCK = 'SPOCK';
const LIZARD = 'LIZARD';
const OPTIONS = {
    1: ROCK,
    2: SCISSORS,
    3: PAPER,
    4: SPOCK,
    5: LIZARD
    1: '⛰️',
    2: 'βœ‚οΈ',
    3: '🧻',
    4: 'πŸ––',
    5: '🦎'
Now we want to store user input somewhere. Let's add a variable for that.
let userChoiceID = '';
We want to add event listeners for user input when a page is loaded.
To do that we should write our code inside the callback function.
window.onload = () => {
  // your code here
We want to put it at the end of
We need an element to output results.
const output = document.querySelector('#output');
Put it at the beginning of
We want to add event listeners to handle user input. First, we would select elements by class. Then we would add an event listener to each element.
const userOptions = document.querySelectorAll('.user-option');

userOptions.forEach(el => el.addEventListener('click', event => {
    userChoiceID =;
Put it at the end of `onload` function.
Now we want to add an event listener to the play button. Let's create a variable for it first.
const playButton = document.querySelector('#play');
We can now add an event listener.
playButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
Let's collect all the information that we need to determine the winner. We need a computer and user choice.
const computerChoiceID = getComputerChoice();
const computerChoice = OPTIONS[computerChoiceID];
const computerChoiceElement = document.querySelector('#computer-choice');
const output = document.querySelector('#output');
const userChoice = OPTIONS[userChoiceID];

let result = '';
Now we can output computer choice.
computerChoiceElement.innerHTML = OPTIONS2EMOJI[computerChoiceID];
Put it at the end of the play button click callback.
Let's write logic to determine a winner. We would use a switch for that. Don't forget to add a default case.
switch (`${computerChoice}-${userChoice}`) {
    case `${ROCK}-${ROCK}`:
    case `${SCISSORS}-${SCISSORS}`:
    case `${PAPER}-${PAPER}`:
    case `${SPOCK}-${SPOCK}`:
    case `${LIZARD}-${LIZARD}`:
        result = 'TIE πŸ‘”'
    case `${ROCK}-${SCISSORS}`:
    case `${ROCK}-${LIZARD}`:
    case `${SCISSORS}-${PAPER}`:
    case `${SCISSORS}-${LIZARD}`:
    case `${PAPER}-${ROCK}`:
    case `${PAPER}-${SPOCK}`:
    case `${SPOCK}-${ROCK}`:
    case `${SPOCK}-${SCISSORS}`:
    case `${LIZARD}-${PAPER}`:
    case `${LIZARD}-${SPOCK}`:
        result = 'COMPUTER WIN πŸ˜”πŸ’” πŸ€–πŸ₯‡'
    case `${ROCK}-${PAPER}`:
    case `${ROCK}-${SPOCK}`:
    case `${SCISSORS}-${ROCK}`:
    case `${SCISSORS}-${SPOCK}`:
    case `${PAPER}-${SCISSORS}`:
    case `${PAPER}-${LIZARD}`:
    case `${SPOCK}-${PAPER}`:
    case `${SPOCK}-${LIZARD}`:
    case `${LIZARD}-${ROCK}`:
    case `${LIZARD}-${SCISSORS}`:
        result = 'YOU WIN ☺️πŸ₯‡ πŸ€–πŸ’”'
        result = 'SOMETHING WRONG. TRY AGAIN. πŸ›'
Put it at the end of the play button click callback.
Now we are ready to output the result.
output.innerHTML = result;
Put it at the end of the play button click callback.
There you have it you can now play against the computer.
There are plenty of cool ways to improve on this simple pure JavaScript rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard including a score count
Once again I hope you enjoyed my tutorial if you have any questions regarding the code please leave a comment.
I'll make sure to get back to you with help.
Also published on GitHub.

Written by matviihodovaniuk | Software Developer. Collecting and sharing knowledge.
Published by HackerNoon on 2021/05/09