Introducing Tour My Pull Request For Github Extension

Written by sureshdsk | Published 2020/06/29
Tech Story Tags: github | chrome-extension | devtools | open-source | chrome | git | software-development | code

TLDR With Tour my pull request you can create a tour based on your flow and get your PR merged quickly. This is an initial release, so please report me any issues or suggestions. If you like the idea, please spread the word with your colleagues and friends. The video below is a short video of the demo. You can reach me on twitter @sureshdsk. I will try to address it. You can also reach me for help in the comments section of this article. The video is below.via the TL;DR App


Explaining the code in a pull request to the reviewer with a flow is hard, especially when the number files in the PR is big and flow of code execution jumps between multiple files.


With Tour my pull request you can create a tour based on your flow and get your PR merged swiftly.
Demo video:

Link to Chrome Webstore

Feedbacks & Suggestion

This is an initial release, so please report me any issues or suggestions. I will try to address it. You can reach me on twitter @sureshdsk. If you like the idea, please spread the word with your colleagues and friends.

Written by sureshdsk | Software Architect | Pythonista 🔥
Published by HackerNoon on 2020/06/29