The NEAR Balkans Summership: Web3 Internship

Written by nearbalkans | Published 2022/05/20
Tech Story Tags: near | near-protocol | internship | balkans | europe | job-search | education | good-company

TLDRNEAR Balkans is a regional hub established to provide the local community with the needed tools to successfully build on the NEAR protocol, educate themselves about the technology, expand the NEAR ecosystem, and become eligible for grants to develop their ideas. In addition, the Hub also supports newcomers to enter the Web3 space, and with the latest program - to develop the needed skills to enter the Web3 job market!via the TL;DR App

Ready to become a Web3 rockstar?

The Balkans region has long been rife with immense technical and entrepreneurial talent that has largely been unexplored due to a lack of educational programs that aim to foster their prowess in the Web3 realm.

With that in mind, the NEAR team is dedicated to expanding its network and developing the blockchain community in the Balkans using numerous regional educational & grant programs through the newly launched NEAR Balkans Regional Hub.

NEAR Balkans is a regional hub established to provide the local community with the needed tools to successfully build on the NEAR protocol, educate themselves about the technology, expand the NEAR ecosystem, and become eligible for grants to develop their ideas. In addition, the Hub also supports newcomers to enter the Web3 space, and with the latest program - to develop the needed skills to enter the Web3 job market!

Presenting The NEAR Summership Program

Aware of the immense potential and talent of the young community of the Balkans, NEAR Balkans Hub has established a paid summer internship program with the aim of creating Web3 skills that will enable the participants to actively participate in the creation of projects on the NEAR protocol.

What is NEAR Balkans Summership?

The Program is created to provide blockchain enthusiasts from the Balkans Region with the opportunity to gain Web3 knowledge and experience that will guide their Web3 career while also providing the opportunity to grow with like-minded individuals from the region.

This year's Summership will be focused on Web3 ambassadors' development and will take place from June 1st to September 18th, 2022. The NEAR Balkans Summership 2022 will accept 7 Web3 Local Ambassador Interns who will receive a stipend.

During 15 weeks of practice, students will have access to an arsenal of Web3 and NEAR protocol education programs, workshops, certifications, and mentorship spaces for specific fields of your interest, helping you hone your skills and gain relevant Web3 experience. Following this trial experience, fast learners ready to create value within the blockchain arena will receive job opportunities.

Apply now:

Applications are now open and close on Monday, May 23rd.

For FAQ or community discussion, join our Discord  or visit the official NEAR Balkans website for more info:

Written by nearbalkans | Near Balkans is the regional representative organization for the NEAR protocol in the Balkans.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/05/20