Revolutionizing Transportation Safety and Efficiency with 5G C-V2V Communication

Written by maksimgusev01 | Published 2023/08/24
Tech Story Tags: technology | transportation-safety | 5g-c-v2v-communication | road-safety-innovations | autonomous-vehicle | smart-vehicles | self-driving-cars | self-driving-architechture

TLDRThis article delves into contemporary technologies underpinning 5G-based C-V2V, encompassing massive MIMO, multi-radio access, millimeter waves, and software-defined networking.via the TL;DR App

News about layoffs hits the headlines again and again, and lately, they concern IT companies. Layoffs in the technology sector tend to be the most visible. Since the tech giants have a lot of employees, even a small percentage of layoffs leads to the fact that thousands of people lose their jobs. The numbers are rising: According to, a site that tracks layoffs in the tech industry, more than 160,000 people were laid off in 2022, more than in 2020 and 2021 combined. In 2023, massive layoffs are occurring at 600 companies across all IT sectors, from application development to crypto to enterprise SaaS. The total number of layoffs in 2023 has already exceeded 185 thousand people (20% of them are software engineers).

However, the autonomous vehicle market shows real growth. For example, the self-driving taxi service from Waymo (Google branch) in San Francisco was launched in March 2022 and approved by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Autonomous technologies and ground vehicles go from the demonstration of a prototype system in limited conditions to full-scale tests.

This means that autonomous ground vehicles (autonomous vehicles / AVs) are closer than ever to widespread use. But, only a few universities have suitable programs. If the market is growing and autonomous product companies have sharp demand for specialists, it opens good opportunities to work with Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover, Tesla, and many other great OEM companies.

What could increase your chances to get an offer? Understanding of self-driving architecture and expertise in one of its functions. Today we will observe communication based on 5G technologies.

This article delves into contemporary technologies underpinning 5G-based C-V2V, encompassing massive MIMO, multi-radio access, millimeter waves, and software-defined networking. The accelerated pace of these technologies' evolution, combined with the depth of scientific articles and the rising proportion of practical application articles, underscores that 5G C-V2V communication stands as a transformative element in the transportation sector. Its promise lies in its capacity to bolster road safety, alleviate traffic snarls, and uplift the overall driving experience.

The Overview

5G succeeds the current 4G standard directly. This new standard is capable of supporting a significantly larger number of devices in a given area than 4G. 5G can support up to a million devices per square kilometer. This high capacity allows for smooth internet browsing in packed stadiums, making calls from crowded squares during festivities, or managing a robot-operated factory with wireless connections at every point.

Additionally, 5G boasts the fastest internet speeds (reaching up to 25 GB/s) and has minimal signal transmission delays (around 1-2 milliseconds). Such speeds pave the way for novel technological advancements and business opportunities. For instance, 5G can play a pivotal role in advancing autonomous vehicle technology.

Thanks to its minimal delay, autonomous vehicles can seamlessly communicate with infrastructure elements like smart roads, traffic signals, and other vehicles. This data can then be uploaded to cloud storage.

To provide perspective on the real-world implications of these delays, let me introduce an example. 5G has a delay of one millisecond, 4G has 50 milliseconds, and a human reaction takes about 700 milliseconds. If a car is traveling at 120 km/h and faces a sudden emergency, a human would typically take around 30 meters (700 milliseconds) to react. A vehicle on a 4G network would experience a delay equivalent to 2 meters before receiving the information. Meanwhile, a vehicle on a 5G network would only experience a delay of 10-15 centimeters (0.1 or 0.15 meters). Comparatively, if we consider the slowest 5G response as the baseline, 4G is 13 times slower, and human reaction is 200 times slower. Such differences in reaction time, measured in meters and milliseconds, can be crucial in life-threatening situations.

Indeed, the potential benefits of improved reaction times with 5G can only be fully realized through vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, specifically vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. As cited by the USA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [1], up to 615,000 motor vehicle accidents could be averted with the implementation of V2V technology. This technology facilitates the exchange of vital data between vehicles, such as speed, position, and intended route. If either the driver or the autonomous driving system can anticipate and process the movements of all nearby vehicles in advance, the incidence of accidents can be substantially reduced. However, this vision can only come to fruition when all vehicles on the road are equipped to send and receive standardized messages coherently.

Current Standards of 5G enabled V2V

5G-powered Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication stands at the forefront of vehicular technology, poised to redefine inter-vehicle interactions on highways and streets. Several prominent bodies, including the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), are leading the charge in shaping the standards for this transformative innovation.

3GPP is crafting a 5G V2V communication framework centered around cellular networks. This blueprint emphasizes rapid data transfer and ultra-low latency inter-vehicle exchanges, vital for maintaining road safety.

Meanwhile, IEEE is steering its efforts towards embedding dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) technology in the 5G V2V paradigm. The focus here lies on crafting a communication channel that's both secure and dependable, ensuring the well-being of vehicular occupants and pedestrians alike. On the other hand, SAE envisions a hybrid approach, merging both cellular and DSRC technologies. This methodology aspires to provide uninterrupted vehicle communication, regardless of geographical position or the state of network connectivity.

In essence, the emerging standards for 5G-fueled V2V communications converge on the principles of safety, dependability, and swift data exchanges. With its evolution, this tech harbors the promise of reimagining our road travels, ushering in an era of enhanced safety and efficiency for all commuters.

Role of the Technologies in 5G-based V2V Communication

As was previously discussed, the advent of 5G technology has brought about a paradigm shift in the way we communicate with each other. As vehicles become more autonomous and roads busier, seamless and real-time communication between them becomes paramount. Let me introduce some of the technologies that have a significant impact on the advancement of 5G-based V2V communication.

Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)

Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) is pivotal for 5G V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) interactions. This wireless tech utilizes multiple antennas on both transmitting and receiving ends, optimizing communication efficiency and trustworthiness. Thanks to massive MIMO, beamforming becomes possible, offering precise communication routes between vehicles, boosting signal clarity, and diminishing interference.

Within the 5G V2V framework, this tech paves the way for rapid data exchanges, lag-free conversations, and stable vehicle connections. It's also instrumental in collision prevention by delivering instant, precise data regarding vehicle movement. Furthermore, massive MIMO broadens network capability and reach, supporting simultaneous communication among numerous vehicles, aiding in decongesting roadways and enhancing traffic movement. To sum up, massive MIMO stands as a foundational element in 5G V2V communication, elevating road efficiency, dependability, and safety.

Multi-Radio Access

Multi-radio access technologies (RATs) play a crucial role in 5G-based V2V communication by enabling vehicles to communicate with each other using different wireless communication technologies. These include cellular, Wi-Fi, and dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) technologies.

  • Cellular RATs, such as LTE and 5G, provide wide-area coverage and high-speed data transfer capabilities. They can be used for V2V communication in situations where vehicles are far apart or when they need to communicate with vehicles that are outside their immediate vicinity.
  • Wi-Fi RATs, such as IEEE 802.11p, provide high-speed communication over short distances. They are well-suited for V2V communication in dense urban areas or in situations where vehicles are close to each other.
  • DSRC RATs, such as IEEE 802.11p and ITS-G5, are specifically designed for V2V and V2X (vehicle-to-everything) communication. They provide low-latency communication and high reliability, making them ideal for safety-critical applications such as collision avoidance.

By using multiple RATs, 5G-based V2V communication can leverage the strengths of each technology to provide reliable and efficient communication between vehicles. This can help to improve safety on the road, reduce congestion, and enhance the overall driving experience.

Millimetre Waves

Millimetre wave (mmWave) technology is another key component of 5G-based V2V communication. MmWave frequencies, which range from 30 GHz to 300 GHz, offer high bandwidth and low latency, making them ideal for applications such as autonomous driving and real-time traffic monitoring.

MmWave technology can be used in conjunction with other RATs to provide high-speed, low-latency communication between vehicles. For example, mmWave can be used for V2V communication in situations where vehicles are traveling at high speeds or when they need to exchange large amounts of data quickly.

In addition, mmWave technology can be used for V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communication, enabling vehicles to communicate with roadside units and other infrastructure elements. This can help to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion by providing real-time information about road conditions and traffic patterns.

Overall, mmWave technology plays a critical role in 5G-based V2V communication by enabling vehicles to communicate with each other and with the surrounding infrastructure in a fast, reliable, and efficient manner.

Software Defined Networking

Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies are worth paying attention to. SDN allows for centralized network control and management, making it easier to deploy and manage complex networks.

In the context of V2V communication, SDN can be used to dynamically allocate network resources based on traffic patterns and demand. This can help to ensure that vehicles have the necessary bandwidth and low latency required for real-time communication.

SDN can also be used to enable network slicing, which involves creating virtual networks within a physical network. This allows different applications and services to have their dedicated network resources, ensuring that they do not interfere with each other and providing a higher level of service quality.

Overall, SDN technologies play a critical role in 5G-based V2V communication by enabling efficient network management and resource allocation, which is essential for ensuring reliable and high-quality communication between vehicles.


While 5G-based C-V2V (Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything) communication promises many advantages, several obstacles must be tackled before its broad implementation. Here are some primary challenges:

  • Infrastructure Needs: Implementing 5G-based C-V2V necessitates considerable infrastructure like base stations, antennas, and networking gear. Positioning this infrastructure to guarantee sufficient coverage and bandwidth is particularly difficult in regions with dense vehicle traffic or scarce resources.

  • Spectrum Congestion: 5G-based C-V2V operates within a populated radio frequency range, potentially leading to interference and diminished signal quality. This can jeopardize the system's reliability and efficiency, especially in cities teeming with interference sources.

  • Security Concerns: Given that 5G-based C-V2V communication involves sharing confidential data between vehicles and infrastructure, it's exposed to potential cyber threats and unauthorized access. Safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of these exchanges is paramount for the system's credibility.

  • Lack of Universal Standards: As of now, there's an absence of a worldwide standard for 5G-based C-V2V communication. This can precipitate compatibility challenges across various manufacturers and systems. Formulating a unified standard is vital for unobstructed communication between vehicles and their surroundings.

  • Expense: Rolling out 5G-based C-V2V demands a hefty expenditure on infrastructure and advanced technologies. It's essential to ensure that the system's advantages justify its costs to encourage its uptake and long-term viability.


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are currently undergoing tests within confined domains and have made their presence felt in numerous cities. For instance, in 2022, commercial autonomous taxis were rolled out in three American cities, with San Francisco being a notable example. The DMV highlighted that AVs covered an impressive 4.1 million miles of testing from December 2020 to November 2021, a significant leap from the prior year's 2 million miles.

Yet, it's worth noting that these vehicles are architected as self-reliant, ego-vehicles. Yandex, for instance, has gone on record to say their AVs won't rely on road-side-units (RSUs) or cellular connectivity. Notably, Yandex, Google's Waymo, and Uber are taxi service front-runners. If they managed their autonomous cars as fleets or interconnected vehicles, there are evident advantages to reap.

However, the value of V2V or V2X largely rests on the number of vehicles equipped with V2V communication capabilities. If a car can only access data from vehicles within a hundred-mile radius, the functionality's significance dwindles.

It's likely clear to industry stakeholders that 5G-based V2V tech is crucial for ITC's success. Utilizing 5G networks, C-V2X, DSRC, AI, and edge computing, vehicles can relay information among each other instantaneously, making roads safer and navigation more efficient. As the world gets increasingly interconnected, V2V communication's significance is magnified, backed by technologies that will only grow more sophisticated.

Earlier, the discussion shed light on current C-V2V technologies such as massive MIMO, multi-radio access, millimetre waves, and software-defined networking. The rapid evolution of these technologies, combined with the quality and application-based focus of research papers, indicates that 5G C-V2V is a game-changing factor for transportation. Its potential to enhance road safety, mitigate traffic bottlenecks, and amplify driving enjoyment is tremendous. Key technologies facilitating 5G V2V communication, which include 5G infrastructure, C-V2X, DSRC, and edge computing, work in concert to deliver rapid, delay-free connectivity. This allows vehicles to converse in real-time. With the ongoing advancements in 5G, V2V communication's horizon appears promising, promising further breakthroughs in the forthcoming years.

Written by maksimgusev01 | Project Manager (PMP & PfMP) in Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) / 10+ years of experience
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/08/24