Create a GraphQL — Firebase server just with a schema. 🚀

Written by estrada9166 | Published 2018/12/13
Tech Story Tags: graphql | nodejs | javascript | firebase | create-a-graphql

TLDRvia the TL;DR App

Now you can create a GraphQL server, connected to your Firebase 🔥 database just running a command on your terminal.

How to use it:

  1. Install easygraphql-firebase:

$ npm install easygraphql-firebase -g

2. Create a GraphQL schema file with the model you want to have:

type Student {key: ID!age: Int!name: String!}

type School {key: ID!location: String!students: Int!name: String!student: Student!}

input StudentInput {age: Int!name: String!}

input SchoolInput {location: String!students: Int!name: String!phone: String!student: StudentInput!}

type Query {getStudentByUsername(name: String!): Student!getStudents: [Student!]!getSchool(name: String!): School!getSchools: [School!]!}

type Mutation {createStudent(input: StudentInput!): Student!createSchool(input: SchoolInput!): School!}

3. Run on your terminal:

$ easygraphql-firebase

And that’s it, easygraphql-firebase will do everything for you, it will create the server, resolvers, test files and more… check the video to see the result

If you want to deploy with now, be sure to have it installed and just pass the flag --now

$ easygraphql-firebase --now

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Published by HackerNoon on 2018/12/13