4 Amazing Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Follow in 2021

Written by syedbalkhi | Published 2021/10/05
Tech Story Tags: black-friday | marketing-strategies | marketing | digital-marketing | ecommerce | business | black-friday-marketing-strats | online-shopping

TLDREditor's Note: These strategies are okay, wouldn’t wow you. Prob wouldn’t hurt either.via the TL;DR App

Black Friday is around the corner, and marketers are gearing up for the big day with a lot of enthusiasm. It is the day after the American Thanksgiving and marks the start of the Christmas holiday shopping season for customers.
Retailers are enthusiastically seen taking advantage of this day by extensively promoting their stores and offering enticing deals to attract customers to buy from them. The heavy discounts offered by marketers work beautifully in attracting huge crowds to every store, both online and offline.
This makes Black Friday(BF) one of the busiest days for retailers. Every marketer wants to take advantage of this day to increase their sales and boost their profit. As a result, the competition amongst businesses increases too. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, the more customers you can attract, the more money you can make. 
If you, too, want to make the best out of Black Friday this year, it’s time to start strategizing on your marketing campaigns now. If you’re not sure where to begin, here are a few amazing Black Friday strategies that you can try out for maximum profit. So let’s check them out. 

1. Create Anticipation

Every marketer wants to see customers lining up in front of their stores on Black Friday, waiting for the sale to begin. I am sure you want that to happen to your store too. 
If yes, then try to create anticipation amongst your audience. It is one of the marketing ingredients that is rapidly becoming a value-generating force for businesses. 
Let your audience know about the products that will be on sale. That way, you prepare them to make the purchase even before the sale starts. There are several ways of doing that. For example, you can create some teaser content to give them a sneak-peak of what’s going to be on sale. 
Then promote the content on social media rigorously to increase your reach. According to sources, there were more than 3.96 billion social media users in 2020. This makes about 51% of the world’s population. 
So imagine the impact you can make if you can reach out to even one-fourth of these users. This tactic is especially helpful if you have an online store that delivers to customers across different countries. 
You can also collaborate with micro-influencers to promote the sale. The advantage of teaming up with influencers is the free access to the influencer’s already existing massive audience. It’s a great way to easily make more people know about your sale.

2. Use FOMO

Another brilliant way to boost your Black Friday sales is to create urgency. Implementing FOMO in your marketing strategy is the best way to do that. 
You must have already seen marketers using this concept to boost their sales. For example, you must have seen businesses highlighting deals like limited period offers, fewer products remaining, etc. Sometimes they even add a countdown timer to show that an offer is running out.
All of these are nothing but examples of FOMO. When people see that a product or sale or any deal is running out, they start feeling the fear of missing out on the opportunity. 
So they try to grab it before they lose it. It’s basically a psychological phenomenon in which people start feeling anxious for not having something that others have. As a result, they end up making the purchase. 
Sources reveal that 60% of people make purchases because of FOMO, mostly within 24 hours. So using this strategy in your Black Friday marketing strategy can help you see a massive surge in your sales.

3. Create Evergreen Benefit Offers

Black Friday is about the massive discounts that make your users so excited. But why do you want to limit yourself to just the traditional offers and kill the fun? 
Be more creative and find new ways to create hype. One way of doing that is to create evergreen benefits with your offers. For example, you can highlight a few benefits like free shipping, bonus points, rewards, gift cards, money-back guarantee, easy return, etc. People love such benefits and are willing to buy more because of them. 
According to sources, 79% of US consumers said that free shipping would make them more likely to shop online, and 92% of consumers will buy something again if returns are easy. 
So highlighting these benefits will not only amplify your promotions but will also massively grow your sales. It will help you make your users feel overwhelmed, and they will come running to your store to buy your products. 

4. Offer a New Deal Every Hour

Another excellent idea to use for your Black Friday marketing strategy is to offer a new deal every hour. It’s a great way to keep the excitement going and also to bring back users to your store for more purchases. 
So if you are offering 30% off on all products in the current hour, surprise your users by offering a 40% discount or higher on your products in the next hour. 
To make the tactic work better, create different homepage banners for your hourly deals. You should also consider having different posts ready for your social media campaigns for each of these deals. And don’t forget to schedule or automate your posts beforehand. You’ll be too busy to find time for social posting on the BF day.
So these are some effective marketing strategies to try out for this Black Friday. There isn’t much time left for the big day to begin. So start working on your marketing campaign now if you want to make the best out of it. 

Written by syedbalkhi | Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site.
Published by HackerNoon on 2021/10/05