Top 5 Resources to Learn Django

Written by highcenbug | Published 2020/01/08
Tech Story Tags: django | django-tips | beginners-to-coding | development-resources | django-packages | programming-tips | programming | python-web-development

TLDR These are my 5 personal resources when I'm developing using Django. I've had this thought on my head for 3 days now hence I decided to write it before I slept. The most different resource I found on his site was on using the flatpages in Django. The complete django-allauth guide, although I use cookiecutter-django already, is one of my favorite Django articles that I have on my reading list are The Complete Django-Allauth guide. The main documentation is Dash on my Mac and it's pretty amazing rather than going over the site documentation.via the TL;DR App

I've been using Django for a little less than a year already if I'm not mistaken and I'd like to share the top resources I use when I'm running on a roadblock or if I'm trying to implement something that I haven't implemented yet.

1. Real Python

First on the list is Real Python. It is an online learning website that has Python, Django, Kivy and a lot of tutorials that help different kinds of developers with different skill sets. This site was the site I leaned on when I was building my first portfolio in Django. You can check my old site here.
Aside from learning to build my old portfolio from Real Python, I also learned how to read and understand the python trace back which made my life easier when I was developing with Python and when I see someone having troubles with Python, I immediately send them the link and hope they fix the error with the help of the link.
The last and most recent tutorial that I took from this site was building a mobile app using the Kivy framework. You can go over the link to view it or you can clone the mac os app I built on this repository.

2. William Vincent's Site

William is a software developer & a teacher that mainly focuses on Django. He's also part of the non-profit org that runs Django which he's a board member and an individual contributor.
His tutorials were useful when I was developing the site of a non-profit org from India where I had a roadblock in the authentication. Until now, when I need help from a problem, his site is one of the sites I go to for one of my resources to solve the problem at hand.

3. Vitor Freitas' site aka simpleisbetterthancomplex

Vitor is a software developer from Brazil and is currently taking up his Ph.D. in Finland.
The most different resource I found on his site was on using the flatpages in Django. Before I discovered the flatpages, I was this silly developer who hardcoded the models, views, and templates for a static site like the about page, privacy policy and the terms of use.
He also has a detailed blog post on how to render forms using the most used django form, the django-crispy-forms. I just remembered that his tutorial helped me build the contact form of my old portfolio site.

4. DEV

Some of my favorite Django articles that I have on my reading list are The complete django-allauth guide, although I use cookiecutter-django already, I still lean on to the article to understand cookiecutter-django's codebase on a much deeper understanding.
One of the most informative articles for me on this site is Modern Django Project Examples. It's a curated list of more than 100 open-source Django sites, some of which are still running and are still being maintained by the maintainers.

5. The Django Documentation

Last but not least is the main documentation. For a second here I was thinking of if I should include it on this list because I use Dash on my Mac and it's pretty amazing rather than going over the site documentation, but then I realized it's just using an API to get the data to show on the mac app hence deciding to include it.
I remember the first time I was able to pull something off using the documentation. I was so amazed and couldn't believe I fixed something on my own. I even tweeted about it look:


These are my 5 personal resources when I'm developing using Django. I am not affiliated with them, nor is working for them. I've had this thought on my head for 3 days now hence I decided to write it before I slept.



Written by highcenbug | I help business' scale by turning pain points into a design and conversion focused website.
Published by HackerNoon on 2020/01/08