How To Use VIM for Frontend Development: 2020 Edition

Written by fc-anjos | Published 2020/03/28
Tech Story Tags: vim | frontend | html | css | productivity | text-editor | coding | ide

TLDR How To Use VIM for Frontend Development: 2020 Edition, 2020 Edition. VIM can be hard, but it does not have to be painful! In fact, it can make writing HTML and CSS a much more enjoyable experience. The VIM is free and open source, and you should be familiar with VIM plugins. To follow this tutorial, I will be using vim-plug as my plugin manager of choice, just as I do in my personal work. Follow the link to understand how to install the plugins.via the TL;DR App

Why would you want to use an editor that is almost 30 years old?
Because it has come to stay, and isn’t it better to learn something that will stick around? Well, also because it is damn powerful.
VIM is free and open source, VIM is probably already installed in your
computer (if you are running UNIX). And VIM can be hard. But it does not
have to be painful! In fact, it can make writing HTML and CSS a much
nicer experience.
Working every day with HTML and CSS made me look for plugins and configuration tweaks that allow me to move fast within and through files, maneuvering and editing those nice and readable chunks of indented HTML. OK, maybe they aren’t always that nice.
VIM to the rescue.
There are many approaches to VIM, some like to keep it minimal and some like to experiment with many plugins. We will not delve into this discussion:pick and choose from what you find useful in this post. Also strive to get better at vanilla VIM: it’s our safe haven. (Isn’t cit for changing inside a tag awesome by itself?)
To follow this tutorial, you should be familiar with installing VIM plugins. I will be using vim-plug as my plugin manager of choice, just as I do in my personal work. Follow the link to understand how to install the plugins. If you’re starting with VIM, this YouTube series can help get you up and running
All the code in this article goes into your .vimrc (for VIM) or init.vim (for neoVIM). The code that has the following structure is supposed to
be inserted inside your plugin block:
Plug ‘git-user/git-repo'

Let’s see some action.

Emmet uses css style syntax to spit big blocks of HTML: not much typing and a lot done. Fast. Of course emmet is not exclusive for VIM, in fact it comes already bundled with VSCode (Who’s asking?). But it goes specially well with VIM flexible and configurable approach to editing.
Isn’t that much better than typing it all?
We can have emmet installed only for HTML and CSS
let g:user_emmet_install_global = 0
autocmd FileType html,css EmmetInstall
You can pick whichever keyboard shortcut you want. Following this example I’ve assigned emmet leader key to ‘,’
autocmd FileType html,css EmmetInstall
let g:user_emmet_leader_key=’,’
Emmet allows us to have a lot of code, quickly. But who gets it right on the
first time? Using tagalong we can change the opening tag and automatically change the corresponding closing one.
The fun starts when the text can’t fit in your window.
It is nice to have some visual feedback when the text is edited, therefore we can allow tagalong to send us a message once the editing is done.
let g:tagalong_verbose = 1
What about deciding we have to surround our element with yet another one? Sounds like something you could have to do? vim-surround will let us
enter visual line mode, select a block of text and wrap it with another
Where did that aside come from!?
Here it is.
Just because we are using a piece of software release 28 years ago, that
doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from the modern as-you-type linting and
fixing. In fact, ALE supports many linters, crossing the bridge between
the UNIX extensibility and modularity that we know and love to our
editor of choice.
Give me a break, ALE! Err... not really, please don’t.
Plug ‘dense-analysis/ale’
For better debugging, I will let ALE only use the linters and fixer explicitly defined: this will help us try out new tools and know what is doing the best job for us at the moment, or even use specific project directives.
let g:ale_fixers = {
 \ ‘html’: [‘prettier’],
 \ ‘css’: [‘stylelint’],
 \}let g:ale_linters = {
 \ ‘html’: [‘htmlhint’],
 \ ‘css’: [‘stylelint’],
let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
The linters should be installed on your computer and available on your
path. Check the guidelines of the tool you’ll be using on how to do
:ALEInfo from vim will show the suggested, available and enabled linters/fixers, that can be extremely helpful installing and getting our linter/fixer working.
Besides all these neat plugins, what I like the most about VIM is that it makes you think about how your code is structured: source code is text, but it is a much more structured kind of text than prose. We should take advantage of this fact when dealing with it.
Previously published at

Published by HackerNoon on 2020/03/28