How To Cleanup Your Local Git Repository Using BFG

Written by mikefettis | Published 2020/02/29
Tech Story Tags: github | git | bfg | secrets | devops | programming | tutorial | git-workflow

TLDR How To Cleanup Your Local Git Repository using BFG is a thing that you can do to clean up your local git repo after doing a commit and before pushing to origin. BFG can only be run from the source of your git repo, you need to be at least out by one folder in order for BFG to run properly you cannot run it from your git repository. The following steps are outlined in this article: How to clean your local Git repo and remove bad things from your local file.via the TL;DR App

This is a thing that you can do to clean up your local git repo AFTER doing a commit and before pushing to origin.
1. Download BFG.jar
2. Create directory structure
mkdir -p ~/.binaries/
3. Move bfg in to place and chmod it
mv bfg-1.13.0.jar ~/.binaries/ && chmod 777 ~/.binaries/bfg-1.13.0.jar
echo 'alias bfg="java -jar ~/.binaries/bfg-1.13.0.jar"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=/Users/$(whoami)/.binaries:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'alias bfg="java -jar ~/.binaries/bfg-1.13.0.jar"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=/Users/$(whoami)/.binaries:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
5. source it
source ~/.bash_profile
Cleaning repo with BFG
Now what do we do.
I will create a new folder, and then create a git repo in that folder.
This would be the same as doing a git clone...
mkdir testing-bfg
cd testing-bfg/
git init 
Now I am going to make a file and add some things to it
# do things
# do things that are bad
add it to my git repo
git add 
make a commit to the repo for the file
git commit -a -m "I did an initial commit and it is bad"  
I am going to attempt to push to master, or don't when I realize I did a bad thing
git push origin master
*** pre-receive hook fires and stops me from pushing, so the push fails.
I don't push, but the commit is already in my history, I need to clean it.
This is how you fix it.
In order for BFG to run properly you cannot run it from the source of your git repo, you need to be at least out by one folder.
cd ../
vi ~/my-mess
#this file is now located at your home folder as denoted by the ~/   thingy
#my-mess file
# these are the strings that you want out of your repo and commit history
Now we have our dirty git repo located at
We also have a text file with the "things we want to remove from the repo" that is located at
We are going to run the bfg command which is aliased to
but you could also do this without the alias,
java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar
is telling bfg to rewrite my current history in all my branches and make clean.
bfg --replace-text ~/my-mess testing-bfg/ --no-blob-protection
Now you will have your file in a "modified" state according to git.
This is because your local file still has the BAD words in it, however your commit history does not.
Therefore it is considered modified.
Now, go through and change your local file to fix your shame and do a new commit and move forward.

Published by HackerNoon on 2020/02/29