Quick Snippets — Grabbing input data with React

Written by puyan-wei | Published 2019/01/20
Tech Story Tags: react | forms | javascript | front-end-development | technology | latest-tech-stories | grabbing-input-data-with-react | reactjs

TLDR This week, I'm using react to create-react-app to make the most of my work. I still do think that Vue is superior, especially for this example. We need to grab the value of the input box in real time and store it to be potentially used later. We add in a custom function to that runs on every change in the text box to update it to whatever the user types. The final code should look like this;. If you install the react app chrome extension, you should be able to see the state updating live.via the TL;DR App

Wassup all, hope everyone is enjoying the new year. 2019 feels like such a crazy number, we are sooo past that Back to the Future 2015 fantasy world!
Gonna do some react snippets since I’m using it the most at work these days. I still do think that Vue is superior, especially for this example.


Grab the value of the input box in real time and store it to be potentially used later.


If your not sure about the initial setup for react, check out my blog post on using create-react-app.
I stripped off all the defaults and put this in to check its working. Don’t forget to run npm start` to start your page on localhost/3000. It should pop up automatically.
App.js looks like
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
class App extends Component {
 render() {
  return (
   <div className="App">
    <h1 className="element">hello this is the initial setup!</h1>
export default App;
I added a lil centering css in App.css
.App {
 text-align: center;
 height: 100vh;
 width: 100vw;
 display: grid;
.element {
 display: inline-block;
 margin: auto;
Should look like this
With this file structure

Make the text box

import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./App.css";
class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div className="element">
          Tell me your darkest secrets! <input type="text" />
export default App;
Should make it look like this

State Logic

Aight, so now we need to have the value of the text box be stored somewhere. In react’s case we should use this.state= {value: ''}` which uses a key/value pair hash to store our data. We set the value attribute of the text box to refer to that value which is this.state.value.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./App.css";
class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = { value: "" };
render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div className="element">
          Tell me your darkest secrets!
          <input type="text" value={this.state.value} />
export default App;
Right now, we can’t actually type anything in there because the value of the text box is set to ‘ ’ in this.state.value so we have to add some code to update it to whatever the user types.
We add in a custom function to that runs on every change in the text box to update the value of it. When you update the state in react, we use this.setState = {key: value} and rewrite the state hash.
handleTextboxValue = event => {
    this.setState({ value: event.target.value });
and in the
tag add this attribute
            onChange={event => this.handleTextboxValue(event)}
We can actually remove
from the attribute as its explicit. The final code should look like this;
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./App.css";
class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = { value: "" };
handleTextboxValue = event => {
    this.setState({ value: event.target.value });
render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div className="element">
          Tell me your darkest secrets!
export default App;
If you install the react app chrome extension, you should be able to see the state updating live.
(Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash. That feeling you get when something works!)
(That feeling you get when something works!)
Hopefully this is helpful and clear, I’ll try and make another snippet next week. Have a great week guys!

Written by puyan-wei | From cards🃏 to code💻! Ex-professional poker player now web developer
Published by HackerNoon on 2019/01/20