Experience Unmatched Data Accuracy with Pyth on Injective inEVM

Written by ishanpandey | Published 2024/03/15
Tech Story Tags: defi | pyth-network-and-injective | pyth-price-feeds | injective-inevm | pyth-network | inevm-platform-web3 | decentralised-finance | good-company | hackernoon-es | hackernoon-hi | hackernoon-zh | hackernoon-fr | hackernoon-bn | hackernoon-ru | hackernoon-vi | hackernoon-pt | hackernoon-ja | hackernoon-de | hackernoon-ko | hackernoon-tr

TLDRDiscover the power of Pyth Price Feeds on Injective inEVM: over 450 real-time data feeds for DeFi apps, enhancing trading accuracy and speed.via the TL;DR App

Price info that is correct and up to date in real time is not only helpful in the world of digital finance (DeFi), but it's also important. This is when Pyth Price Feeds were added to Injective inEVM for the first time. This was a big deal for users and coders alike. It's the beginning of a new era in shared virtual machine creation thanks to this relationship. It will raise the bar for everyone in the field.

Low-latency data that is correct has been hard to get from traditional DeFi settings. This is a problem that makes trade apps less reliable and efficient. It's harder to trade and make financial choices because of this problem. It's also harder for users to do things. Since Pyth Network and Injective saw this need, they worked together to make it happen. This is likely to change how DeFi apps are used.

Pyth Price Feeds: The Sign of Trustworthiness

Recently, Pyth Price Feeds was added to Injective inEVM. This gives developers access to over 450 data feeds that cover a huge range of asset classes, from cryptocurrencies and commodities to foreign exchange pairs, stocks, and exchange-traded funds. This merger isn't just a technical achievement; it's a big step towards making financial data more open, trustworthy, and, most importantly, useful.

What You Need to Know About the Technology

Pyth Network's unique pull oracle concept is at the heart of this new idea. This one-of-a-kind design lets smart contract apps "pull" price changes from the Python appchain whenever they need to, making sure they always get the most up-to-date information. This method not only makes things more reliable, but it also allows price at high frequencies and resolutions, which is important for many DeFi apps.

The first people to gain from this release are the many open apps that are starting up on Injective for EVM. From stablecoins to methods for borrowing and giving money and lasting trade platforms, the apps will be able to work faster and with more accurate data than ever before. This is meant to spark new ideas, bring in more people, and make things better for everyone in the group as a whole.

Injective, a leader in the field of blockchain, has been at the head of making the Web3 banking setting smooth and effective. Formed by big names like Binance and backed by well-known names like Jump Crypto, Pantera, and Mark Cuban, Injective has made a name for itself in the world of blockchain.

The Innovation inEVM

Together, Injective and Caldera made the inEVM platform. It is the first Ethereum Virtual Machine that can really be put together in Cosmos and Solana. Developers on Ethereum can now join to Injective's huge world network. This will help them reach more people and have a bigger impact.

It is strong, safe, and up-to-date, and independent apps can use it. Pyth did this by giving big platforms and market makers reasons to share their private data. A short time ago, Pyth not only kept more than $2B safe, but it also made it possible for more than $120B worth of trades to happen in more than 50 blockchain environments.

Looking Ahead: What's Next for Decentralised Finance

The addition of Pyth Price Feeds to Injective inEVM is a big step forward for the whole DeFi sector, not just for the two companies involved. This partnership shows what can be done when new ideas are combined with practical needs. It makes it possible for DeFi to work as efficiently and reliably in the future as standard banking systems. There could be new opportunities with easier access to accurate and real-time financial data in the future. This could lead to the next wave of growth and innovation in decentralised finance.

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Written by ishanpandey | Building and Covering the latest events, insights and views in the AI and Web3 ecosystem.
Published by HackerNoon on 2024/03/15