Will HR ChatBots Replace Human Resources in the Future?

Written by aayushisanghavi | Published 2020/09/29
Tech Story Tags: hrtech | hr-ai | hr | human-resources | artificial-intelligence | chatbots | ai-chatbot | ai | web-monetization

TLDR The field of HR is going through a major revamp with the use of artificial intelligence. Chatbots can be deployed on web browsers as well as work apps (Slack, MS Teams) Chatbots help lower your company budget by reducing hiring costs and reducing employee turnover rates. Bots can be programmed to provide users with tools such as training material or learning quizzes. They can also help create a company image that is interactive and open to changes. HR chatbots are highly specialized to enhance HR efficiency. Chatbot is trained more specifically to cater to people-centric issues.via the TL;DR App

A lot has been said about chatbots and their effects on practically every industry. The field of HR is going through a major revamp with the use of artificial intelligence. Employees are recruited, onboarded, and even terminated with these little bots.
However, there is a lot of debate on whether our AI friends might eventually take over HR jobs. The short answer to what I think about this is a solid 'NO.' The long answer to this question is why I've decided to write this article. I want to take you through how HR chatbots help human resources and why there is no need for HR professionals to worry!

How does an HR chatbot work?

HR chatbots are highly specialized to enhance HR efficiency. Let me take you through the highlights of how one functions:
Chat interface
The personalized greetings that you see are all part of the chatbot interface. It makes it easier for you and me to access, use, and interact with them. The best part is that it can be deployed on web browsers as well as work apps (Slack, MS Teams).
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
All user queries are understood by HR chatbots through NLP. As the term suggests, this allows for more natural conversations along with operational efficiency and enhanced employee satisfaction. Additionally, Natural Langauge Processing also helps the bot understand the query in a comprehensive manner.
Intent Mapping
Simply put, intent mapping identifies the intent of the user's actions. For an HR chatbot, this refers to things such as 'generate payslip', 'begin training', etc. 
Slot Filling
Once I've understood what is expected of me, I seek to execute. In the same way, chatbot performs a step known as slot filling. It typically involves prompting the user for information that it might need to move forward. 
 Learning Tools
When AI and ML combine together, they create magic. HR chatbots can be programmed to provide users with tools such as training material or learning quizzes. 
People Processes
Most chatbots work around the steps I mentioned. However, an HR chatbot is trained more specifically to cater to people-centric issues. These include onboarding, attendance management, and providing suggestions for skill development. 

HR chatbots: 9 use cases

 1. HR Cost Reduction
Off to a good start, right? Chatbots help lower your company budget by reducing hiring costs. They basically better your chances of getting good talent, consequently, reducing employee turnover rates. Their massive database also lowers operational costs since access to knowledge systems becomes simpler.
2.  Simplified Recruitment
Let me say this much, your life is going to be so much easier. Recruitment and interview bots essentially carry out the preliminary filtering of candidates so that you only get the best talent that’s out there. HR chatbots can be deployed on corporate websites to answer questions of potential recruits just like you would in a telephonic interview. 
3. App integrations
By integrating HR chatbots with your everyday work platforms such as Slack, and Google Sheets, you can achieve much more without having to switch between apps.
4. Employee Engagement
Since all interactions are conversational and upbeat, chatbots increase overall engagement score. They can transfer also information across departments to facilitate collaboration. 
5. Increased Productivity
HR heads and employees are often unable to give time to critical business functions due to menial tasks. Chatbots improve productivity levels by automating tasks such as salary calculations, leave applications and checking leave balances.
6. Reputation Building and Culture Creation
The tech world is growing every second. The HR department needs to upgrade its association with technology like everyone else has. Let me tell you straight up, adapting to chatbots is going to transform your company image. It is also going to help create a work culture that is interactive and open to changes. 
7. Provision of 24*7 support
I know that no one can be present to answer questions all the time. Which is exactly why chatbots exist! Bots can answer all employee queries relating to company policies, onboarding processes at any time.
8. Constant Feedback
Chatbots are consistently improving. Through feedback loops, they can tell you exactly where they are falling short on user preferences. Moreover, you can also optimize tasks such as performance reviews through chatbot alerts for awards and recognition. 
9. Enhances HR efficiency
All of what I’ve just said points to one thing: increased overall efficiency. Chatbots can store and process information at an insane speed and at the same time, maintain accuracy. HR chatbots in particular can help in setting payroll ticketing systems which makes for seamless employee interactions and workflow management. 

How do HR chatbots improve the employee experience?

I’ve shown you the many ways in which chatbots help improve HR functions. Now let’s take a look at the specific ways they enhance employee experience:
  • Streamline HR solutions
Chatbots provide constant accessibility to improve HR activities right from recruitment to exit management. As a result, they are able to streamline multiple processes and support through a single platform. Users also receive personalized responses due to the dialog paths that are predicted by This makes it easier for employees to visualize and understand the expectations and workings of the HR department.
  • Daily task assistance
I’ll be honest. I love those little prompts I receive on my screen before every actionable task. I like being asked if there is something more I want to do or if I’m looking for help on a certain issue. Everyday tasks such as logging attendance, reviewing daily reports, getting salary-breakdowns, etc. are made more interactive and helpful with HR chatbots.
  • Provide real-time information
Along with data and performance reviews, HR chatbots can also help in administrative functions. They enable easy updates during organizational changes and transitory periods. Relevant information such as compliance reforms, tax updates and legal changes can be announced and accessed in simplified methods. Thus, you will work towards maintaining employee rights and awareness.
  • Reward and Recognition System
’Congratulations! The entire team wishes you for your employee of the month achievement.’ This is just one of the examples HR chatbots recognize and reward employees through alerts and messages. This not only boosts worker motivation, but also shows that you care. 
  • Seamless Exit Management 
I know it can be a hassle to go through the employee termination process. HR chatbots help by triggering appropriate surveys to collect feedback and understand why an employee is resigning. Furthermore, leaving employees are assisted with financial and legal formalities. This is beneficial to both parties involved. 

Will I have a job with the rise in HR chatbots?

Yes, of course! I wrote the initial sections to tell you about how HR chatbots are going to help you help yourself. They exist to make your job easier giving you the time to focus on making HR a strategic business function. They are in no way a replacement for humans.
If you are worried about your jobs being taken over by HR chatbots, here’s some good news. There’s going to be an explosion of future HR profiles to go hand-in-hand with the chatbots. I’ll walk you through some of them:
  • Chatbot Facilitator
As with any change in technology, AI in HR will also be followed by respective regulations. A chatbot facilitator will be required to ensure a secure and smooth employee-chatbot experience.
  • HR Data Analyst
Big data is already running several aspects of our life. Data analysts will be responsible for collating and evaluating data insights to ameliorate organizational performance and employee experience. 
  • Head of Human-Machine Applications
In the future, HR professionals will need to bridge the gap between AI and humans. This role will be designed to safeguard interactions to maximize collaboration and productivity. 
  • Work-From-Home Developer
As someone who is currently working without having met my employer, this role will become fundamental to HR functions. Specific WFH policies, motivation strategies and benefits will have to be developed to maintain an uninterrupted workflow. Future HR jobs will be largely focused around this area as WFH will shift to Work-From-Anywhere.
  • Head of Wellness and Motivation
A special department within the human resources will possibly come into creation. This department will look into developing physical, mental and financial packages for remote workers. Employee motivation specialists will need to design novel ways to maintain employee satisfaction as work continues to move outside the company.
  • Director of Diversity
Even though diversity in workforce has come a long way, there’s a lot more road to cover. With the rise in a gig economy and remote working conditions, diversity will be created through several means. An HR professional will be needed to look after the needs of this new workforce to ensure smooth transitions throughout the organization.
  • Head of Planning
The future of HR is going to bring in a whole lot of changes and challenges. Additionally, this position will gain importance as it necessitates the need to align HR goals with the top management, society, as well as customers. 

In conclusion, I want to stress on the following points:
  • HR chatbots are taking over operational HR duties to maximize departmental and organizational efficiency.
  • AI in HR is attaining new milestones each day. To optimize business growth and gain competitive advantage, adapting to HR tech should be a priority.
  • HR professionals will not be out of work anytime soon. An increase in technology leads to the creation of new jobs and development of different skills. Chatbots and humans must learn to coexist for the sake of our dear human resources!
At Asanify, we understand the need for an agile and efficient approach. Our Asanify Bot helps ease the HR burden by facilitating remote onboarding, enagagment and promote learning.
Disclaimer: I work as a content manager at Asanify, India.

Written by aayushisanghavi | Content Writer, Tech and Media enthusiast
Published by HackerNoon on 2020/09/29