Universal Data Tool: New Skeletal/Pose/Landmark Annotation, Dutch, and Convert Options

Written by wafaa | Published 2020/09/30
Tech Story Tags: machine-learning | data-labelling | data-science-tools | data-science | big-data | data-annotation | artificial-intelligence | ml

TLDR Universal Data Tool is an open-source web or desktop program to collaborate, build and edit text, image, video, and audio datasets with labels and annotations. New Skeletal/Pose/Landmark Annotation, Dutch, and Convert Options are added to the tool. New feature allows people to annotate poses in the picture. We are looking for help in the configuration tab for this feature. The previous & next button will be disabled at the beginning or at the end sample pages, respectively.via the TL;DR App

For those who haven’t heard of the Universal Data Tool, it is an open-source web or desktop program to collaborate, build and edit text, image, video, and audio datasets with labels and annotations. 
This is our sixth community update! By releasing these videos, we hope to engage the community and encourage new contributors. 
Please watch the full video: 

New Feature: Image landmark Annotation

This cool new feature allows people to annotate poses in the picture. We are looking for help in the configuration tab for this feature. To help us, you can click on the Github issue option from the configuration tab.
Other updates:
Dutch translation: Now, you can also access the Dutch language (thanks @rickstaa!)
Singularity support: Now you can use the singularity which is kind of a container registry for scientific applications thanks @rickstaa!)
Icons on website options: Now, you can see our website’s icons with the option names.
Our website is open source now:  with this new update, our website is open-source. This will allow you to do any modifications in PR
Previous & Next buttons fixed: Now the previous & next button will be disabled at the beginning or at the end sample pages, respectively (thanks @congdv! ).
Allow multiple classifications per Image is fixed: This feature works perfectly now (thanks @mrdadah! )
Convert Tool has multiple options now: Our previous new feature to convert the formats has many new options, and the option to add new formats as well.
That’s it for our sixth community update, be sure to follow us on Twitter or join our Slack to hear more!

Published by HackerNoon on 2020/09/30